Robovacs - the hidden weapon of any tidy pet owner

Roborock S7 Plus in home with pets
(Image credit: Roborock)

Our pets are shedding every day, and unlike us, they don’t get to take their shoes off at the door when they come in from outside. For all the joy they can bring into our lives, our pets sure know how to contribute their fair share of messes around the home. Keeping up with it all can be a daunting task, but robotic vacuums are a secret weapon in the constant war against pet hair, dander, and dirty floors.

Robotic vacuums, or robovacs, are becoming a staple of the modern smart home, and Roborock’s premium models provide advanced capabilities that make them especially adept at keeping up in pet-filled households. The company has committed more than half of its 890+ employees to working on innovation and design with the aim of improving the livelihood of its customers, and it has pet owners in mind. From the tools needed to clean up after a pet's hair or wipe the floors after they track in a mess to the technology needed to avoid creating an even bigger mess, Roborock is always pushing their pet-minded capabilities forward.

The place for a robovac in the growing number of pet-owning households, up to 70% in 2021, is clear. Pets contribute to the mess around the house that needs cleaning even if they’re well behaved, and with pet hair being one of the more common allergens for people, it’s all the more important to make sure it’s cleaned up frequently. That need to consistently clean up after a pet makes a robot vacuum that can autonomously clean all the floors every day a no-brainer.

With a robovac, you can not only clean up your home but also rely on regular cleaning to prevent mess from accumulating. You can simply run them on a schedule and get cleaner floors every day. While a big dog or a few cats might leave so much hair around the house that you think you could never keep up, a regular vacuuming schedule with a powerful robovac could have you wondering if your pets are even shedding. You can even use a robovac to check in on your pets, Roborock’s S7 MaxV lets you use the built-in camera alongside speakers and a microphone to see what the robot sees and communicate with your pet remotely, letting you check in and letting them hear your voice.

Roborock’s S7 family of high-end robovacs takes things to another level. They feature not only the powerful suction and large dustbins needed to keep up with pets, but they also have tangle-resistant brush heads to help them cope with all the pet hair they’ll be facing. 

Roborock S7 MaxV Ultra cleaning up after a dog

(Image credit: Roborock)

With the Roborock S7 models, you’ll also get even deeper cleaning capabilities. While the robovac goes around vacuuming, it will also tackle mopping with sonic vibration to clean up stuck-on messes. Now it’s not just the hair that’s getting cleaned up but also whatever your pets track in from outside. Roborock’s VibraRise™ technology helps ensure you can continue to take advantage of its mopping power even if you have a variety of floor types. VibraRise™ uses an ultrasonic sensor to detect the material type it’s over and automatically lifts the mop up and out of the way when it’s crossing over carpet, so it can tackle vacuuming the carpets even when it’s been mopping. Roborock’s Reactive AI 2.0 technology further improves obstacle avoidance around the house for an autonomous clean that, most importantly in pet households, can steer clear of the unexpected pet toys and poop that might be lurking somewhere along the robovac’s cleaning path. 

A robovac can easily save you loads of time spent cleaning every week, giving you that time back to enjoy curled up on the couch with your cat and book or out at the dog park while the vacuum does a deep clean. The time savings go even further with Roborock’s convenient Auto-Empty Dock, which clears out the robovacs dustbin and holds up to eight weeks' worth of debris. With advanced filtration, dirt, dust, and allergens are trapped tight.

Roborock’s S7 series of robovacs also integrate seamlessly with the smart home. If you’re already ordering pet food or planning vet visits through a smart virtual assistant, you can add cleanings to the mix with Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Siri support. Intelligent navigation and floor plan mapping also allow for specific assignments and no-go zones, so you can tell the robovac to steer clear of an area your pet likes to leave all its toys. Those no-go zones can also be helpful for anxious pets, as you can have the robovac avoid going near your pet when it’s in a pen, crate, or room where it likes to sleep. You can also control the suction level of the robovac to reduce the noise it makes, helping to avoid spooking your pet or allowing for night-time operation while the household sleeps.

Roborock’s robovacs are already competent around the home, and as the company continues to innovate its products with quality-of-life improvements, it has pet owners at the forefront. To see how a robovac can contribute to a happier, healthier home for you and your pets, see everything Roborock has to offer here