Nutritious November week three is here

Nutritious November - overweight dog
(Image credit: Getty)

Monday starts with a look at keeping canines in shape and we’ve got some vital advice from one of our in-house vets on how to tell if your dog is obese and what to do about it if he or she is. It starts with a good look at diet before moving on to exercise and prescription solutions. So click here to find out what to do if your dog is overweight.

On Tuesday we’ll be looking at the best puppy food to give a young dog the best nutritional start in life and Wednesday will see our veterinary team take a close look at the raw food diet. Does it have some benefits or is it a risky fad?

If you’ve got any questions you’d like to ask about pet diet and nutrition, be sure to get in touch with us via Facebook or Twitter.

Dave Harfield

Dave has over 20 years experience in publishing during which he launched many successful magazine titles including How It Works, All About Space and All About History. He’s also pet parent to a retired police dog called Rebel, who can’t work anymore due to a health condition. When’s not busy trying to amuse a boisterous, three-year-old German Shepherd, Dave's the Editor on PetsRadar.