Dog owners! Here are five myths you want to be aware of when it comes to you hyperactive pup

Dog jumping over fallen tree branch in forest
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Unless specifically stated, any expert comments quoted in this news piece have been taken directly from the Instagram post cited below.

Does your pup seem to have almost boundless energy? If so, they’re not the only one. 

Our dogs can amaze us with the amount of energy they always seem to have – as any dog parent who’s tried in vain to finish their morning coffee while their pup has decided it’s time to go for ‘walkies’ can attest to.

But there are lots of myths surrounding hyperactive dogs that many dog parents aren’t aware of, and they can be surprising. 

Fortunately, however, the certified dog behavior coaches at Calm Canine Academy have discussed some of the main myths to be aware of in a recent Instagram post – give your pup one of the best dog toys to occupy them, and then give it a read! 

First, they discuss what hyperactivity means – you might use the word hyperactive to describe your pup if they’re always on the go, easily distractable, or full of energy. 

And the first myth they outline is that hyperactive dogs just need more exercise. Of course, exercise is important for dogs, but many dogs we might consider to be hyperactive are getting too much of the wrong sort of exercise. 

This can be counter-productive, particularly if they’re not getting enough time to relax and be calm, and actually make them seem more hyperactive. So, if you want to know how to calm down a hyper dog, maybe put the leash down for a minute or two. 

The second myth to be aware of is that certain breeds are simply just hyperactive. “Although some breeds are likely to have higher exercise needs,” the Academy explain, “No dogs should be exhibiting hyperactivity as a breed trait.” All dogs need plenty of sleep, too, and should be able to self-regulate.

Similarly, another myth is that hyperactive dogs are just young. It’s true that a puppy may have more energy than a senior dog, for example, but it’s important not to just put hyperactivity down to age. As the Academy say, “We want to be intervening young to break the cycle of hyperactivity, not letting it rehearse and strengthen.”

The fourth myth is that a hyperactive dog is simply stubborn, or ‘naughty’. While it’s easy to blame the dog, their hyperactivity is usually down to one or more of their needs being unmet – it’s not a case of them being stubborn, or deliberately misbehaving. Here are five activities for a hyperactive dog that may help you better meet their needs.

Finally, the Academy say that you can definitely change your dog’s hyperactive behavior – the idea that you can’t is another myth! 

Adam England
Freelance Writer

Adam is a freelance journalist covering pets, lifestyle, health and culture, and he has six years' experience in journalism. He was senior editor at, and has written for The Independent, GoodToKnow and Healthline

He's also spent the last few years studying towards undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in journalism. While a cat person at heart, he's often visiting his parents' golden retriever, and when he's not writing about everything pets he's probably drinking coffee, visiting a cat cafe, or listening to live music.