Meet adorable Hendrix, Jennifer Lopez’s new kitten

Jennifer Lopez's new kitten Hendrix
(Image credit: Twitter /@JLo/ Getty Images)

Christmas time is family time – and for pet lovers, that means sharing the festivities with our furry friends. Fans were delighted to meet Jennifer Lopez’s new kitten, introduced in a new short video clip on the star’s social media. Hollywood actress and singer Jennifer may be celebrating Christmas on a more lavish scale than the rest of us but she still likes to make sure her pets are part of it.

In the 10-second clip, which appeared on Twitter on 11 December, the young gray kitten can be seen peeping over the top of a table. A lavish Christmas tree is positioned to one side of the room as Mariah Carey’s Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree plays in the background. 

The little cat, who has an adorable heart-shaped face and huge oversized ears, makes J.Lo giggle as she zooms the camera in. Those ears have led some of the singer’s followers to speculate that the new kitty is a Devon Rex, a breed with characteristically large, triangular ears and an adorable ‘pixielike’ face.

Jennifer is well known for her devotion to her pets. The Lopez household – which includes J.Lo’s 13-year-old twins Max and Emme with professional baseball player Alex Rodriguez – already has several dogs. Being a celebrity pup isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, though – Max’s dog Tyson, a surprise present from his parents last year, has to work hard to keep his thousands of Instagram followers happy!

The kitten, named Hendrix, presumably in a tribute to legendary singer Jimi Hendrix, is clearly taking it all in his stride. Staring into the camera, he isn’t letting all the attention get to him. The video has already gathered 63,000 views on Twitter and hundreds of comments.

The other big story in the Lopez household is the rekindling of J.Lo’s romance with co-star Ben Affleck. Jennifer finally ended her on-again-off-again relationship with long term partner Alex in April 2021, and has got back together with former flame Ben after a break lasting nearly 18 years. The actor is also a pet lover and has several dogs of his own. The couple have been spotted out and about in LA and recently attended an NBA game together.

With the new kitty set to settle in, it’s looking like a Merry Christmas over at the Lopez house – as long as Hendrix keeps his claws off that tree!

Sara Walker

Sara is a freelance journalist and copywriter of many years’ experience with a lifelong love of animals. She’s written for a range of magazines and websites on subjects varying from pet care to travel. A horse rider since the age of five, she’s currently a full time pet slave to horse Blue and gorgeous, goofy English Springer Spaniel Olly. Adorable Olly has a huge sense of adventure and no sense of direction, keeping Sara on her toes.