Nuggetz the K9 finds $10.5 million worth of cocaine

Nuggetz the k9 sat in front of a police car wearing shades
(Image credit: Las Vegas PD/Facebook)

Police dogs like Nuggetz the K9 have a difficult job. When they’re not protecting their humans in the line of duty, they also often have to get involved in some potentially dangerous situations.

However, sometimes there are more unusual cases. Ones that are arguably less dangerous, but still worthy of commendation.

One that springs to mind is the recent tale of police dog Nuggetz the K9, who discovered a very large haul hidden away in a truck full of tomatoes.

Having pulled over the truck driver due to his erratic operation of the vehicle near I-15 and St. Rose Pkwy, police noticed that something wasn’t right.

“The nervous driver had a story that didn't add up,” said an officer from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department in an interview with Fox 11. Bearing this in mind, the officer decided to call in Nuggetz the K9 and utilise his incredible sniffing skills to investigate exactly what was going on.

Sure enough, having arrived on the scene, Nuggetz the K9 duly sniffed out the illegal haul, which was hidden away in the truck’s load of tomatoes. While his human handlers might not have initially noticed what was going on, there was no getting past this trusty police dog.

As you would expect, having posted the news on the department’s Twitter account, reception from followers was glowing towards Nuggetz’ actions.

“The picture of the dog is amazing!” said one.

“Way to go K9 Nuggetz!” posted another.

Keeping to the point, another simply wrote, “Thank you for your service. Good Boy.”

We can’t really argue with any of those sentiments. In the social media post used to advertise the news, Nuggetz the K9 is sat there as cool as you like, decked out in sunglasses. It had been a good day’s work, and he deserved that moment to bask in his glory.

We’re sure that there will be many such moments to come. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department is lucky to have him.

Steve Wright

Steve writes and proofreads buying guides, news stories and advice for Pets Radar, drawing on his lifelong experience as a pet owner. Currently sharing his house with two cats and a dog, he draws on the many highs and occasional lows of pet ownership he has borne witness to in his writing. He has worked in publishing for 15 years as an editor, sub editor and writer on a range of titles, such as SciFiNow, How It Works, All About History, Real Crime and Horrorville. You can follow him on Twitter @stevewright22