Queen Camilla’s dog Beth has died, Buckingham Palace announces
By Adam England published
News The Queen adopted Beth from Battersea Dogs & Cats Home in 2011.
Trainer reveals how to help cats and dogs get along peacefully — and it's easier than you might think!
By Adam England published
Trainer's tips Training your pets together can be really effective.
This is why dogs shake off when they’re not wet, according to an expert
By Adam England published
Trainer's tips It’s something to be encouraged to help our pups self-regulate.
Dogs can feel our emotions through our heart rate, according to new research
By Adam England published
News The bond we share with our beloved pups might go even deeper than we thought…
Here’s how to keep your dog’s teeth healthy and stave off bad breath, according to the experts
By Adam England published
News Don’t forget about your pup’s gnashers when it comes to their health!
Burns Dog Food has a bark-tastic Black Friday discount of up to 35% at Amazon right now
By Paul Brett published
Deals Award-winning Burns Pet Nutrition gets the paws up from my dog and also comes with an extra 10% discount bonus when you buy on subscription
Trainer shares six common reactivity mistakes you want to avoid
By Adam England published
Trainer's tips Addressing these widespread mistakes could make your dog a happier pup!
Is your dog reactive? For a calmer canine, try this trainer's three simple tips
By Adam England published
Trainer's tips Addressing reactivity might seem daunting, but getting to grips with it isn’t as complicated as you might think.
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