Adam England
Adam is a freelance journalist covering pets, lifestyle, health and culture, and he has six years' experience in journalism. He was senior editor at, and has written for The Independent, GoodToKnow and Healthline.
He's also spent the last few years studying towards undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in journalism. While a cat person at heart, he's often visiting his parents' golden retriever, and when he's not writing about everything pets he's probably drinking coffee, visiting a cat cafe, or listening to live music.
Latest articles by Adam England
This is why dogs shake off when they’re not wet, according to an expert
By Adam England published
Trainer's tips It’s something to be encouraged to help our pups self-regulate.
Dogs can feel our emotions through our heart rate, according to new research
By Adam England published
News The bond we share with our beloved pups might go even deeper than we thought…
Here’s how to keep your dog’s teeth healthy and stave off bad breath, according to the experts
By Adam England published
News Don’t forget about your pup’s gnashers when it comes to their health!
Trainer shares six common reactivity mistakes you want to avoid
By Adam England published
Trainer's tips Addressing these widespread mistakes could make your dog a happier pup!
Is your dog reactive? For a calmer canine, try this trainer's three simple tips
By Adam England published
Trainer's tips Addressing reactivity might seem daunting, but getting to grips with it isn’t as complicated as you might think.
Trainer reveals what to do if your dog reacts to something in their environment (and it's very straightforward)
By Adam England published
Trainer's tips It’s important to help your pup form positive associations with things they may be unsure about.
Vets in the Netherlands urge people to stop the illegal breeding of flat-faced dog breeds in the country
By Adam England published
News Breeding these animals is illegal but buying and selling them isn’t, despite the health issues they’re more prone to.
Dogs at weddings: The pros, the cons and tips for the big day
By Adam England published
Advice If you’re thinking of including your dog when you get married, there are a few important things to consider.
Cats could be learning words faster than human babies, study suggests
By Adam England published
News More research is needed to find out if this ability is unique to our feline friends.
How people treat their pets is related to the parenting style they experienced in childhood, according to new research
By Adam England published
News People with more permissive parents are more likely to be permissive with their dogs, too.
Does your dog bark when staying somewhere new? Try this trainer's simple solution
By Adam England published
Trainer's tips This one piece of kit could come in so handy the next time you and your pup travel together!
Want a better behaved dog? Trainer reveals the secret — and it really surprised us!
By Adam England published
Trainer's tips Combine management and training for ultimate success.
Dog trainer reveals one thing you want to avoid doing if you use music to mask the sound of fireworks
By Adam England published
Trainer's tips Don’t spring the music on your pets at the last minute – get them used to it throughout the year.
Trainer reveals subtle sign your dog is uncomfortable — and being aware of it can build trust and strengthen your bond
By Adam England published
Trainer's tip The advice will help you learn more about your dog’s likes and dislikes.
This is why it’s important to let your dog shred things, according to one trainer
By Adam England published
Trainer's tips It’s an important natural behavior for dogs – so stay one step ahead and protect your own belongings!
Research indicates that gazing at your dog could help connect your brain with theirs
By Adam England published
News It’s the first time neural coupling has been witnessed between members of different species.
Dog groomer goes viral with his method for helping timid animals feel calmer during bath time
By Adam England published
News Kyle Hinshaw just knows how to put nervous dogs at ease!
Vet reveals the most important thing to remember if you take your dog on wet weather walks – and it really surprised us!
By Adam England published
News Stave off infections and hypothermia even if your furry friend loves the wet, muddy weather.
Help your sensitive dog cope with winter with these five trainer-approved tips
By Adam England published
Trainer's tips If your dog isn’t a winter fan, these tips will help them manage!
Try this trainer's surprising tip to stop your dog from jumping at the front door
By Adam England published
Trainer's tips Snuffle mats have all sorts of benefits, but have you considered this one?
Here’s how to prepare your dog for Halloween, according to the experts
By Adam England published
Trainer's tips If your dog finds the holiday a little overwhelming, this advice can help.
This is why some dogs are reactive and how to help them, according to an expert
By Adam England published
Trainer's tips Work with your dog on alternative behaviors for a happier pup.
Try these 6 expert-approved tips to help keep your dog safe over Halloween
By Adam England published
News These simple tips will help keep your dog safe this Halloween.
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