Barking dog rescues woman with dementia in Texas

Barking dog rescues woman with dementia
(Image credit: Getty Images)

A woman has been found safe and well thanks to the efforts of her Black Labrador Max, whose barking alerted rescuers to the whereabouts of his owner who had been missing for three days in Houston, Texas.

Having gone for a walk with Max last week, 63-year-old Sherry Nope – who suffers from dementia – the alarm was raised after she failed to return.

Her disappearance duly alerted the authorities, with friends and volunteers searching for her. As the days went by, the prospects of finding Sherry began to look more and more bleak.

Then, Max came to the rescue. After his repeated barking, rescuers found Sherry and Max several hundred yards into George Bush Park, an 8,000 expanse located near to her house.

Speaking to KHOU, Sherry’s brother Justin said, “As they got closer to her, I think that’s what caused him to bark, because he was protecting her.

“So I do think his barking is what led those people to hear him and go in that area and find her. So yes, I do believe he saved her life.”

This is backed up by a statement from Constable Ted Heap of Harris county precinct 5, who reported that Sherry “was located at approximately 3am on Friday by a group of tireless volunteers and deputies who were alerted by the sound of her dog, Max, barking in the woods.”

Her family have since reported that Sherry is recovering well, having been uninjured aside from a few cuts and bruises, only suffering from slight dehydration, for which she received hospital treatment.

So it’s definitely a case of well done to Max for alerting the volunteers to Sherry’s location. He’s definitely earned himself more than a few doggy treats, that’s for sure.

Steve Wright

Steve writes and proofreads buying guides, news stories and advice for Pets Radar, drawing on his lifelong experience as a pet owner. Currently sharing his house with two cats and a dog, he draws on the many highs and occasional lows of pet ownership he has borne witness to in his writing. He has worked in publishing for 15 years as an editor, sub editor and writer on a range of titles, such as SciFiNow, How It Works, All About History, Real Crime and Horrorville. You can follow him on Twitter @stevewright22