Why does my dog smell? Vet reveals 5 reasons and what to do about it

Dog in the bath
(Image credit: Getty Images/Sally Anscombe)

Why does my dog smell so bad? If you’re asking yourself this question, then you’re probably looking for a solution - and quick! 

It goes without saying that we love our pups unconditionally (stinky or not), but if there’s a way to stop these unpleasant odors, then we’re going to do it.

If you’ve given them a bath using the best dog shampoo, but the stench still won’t go away, then there might be something else going on. Dogs that smell fishy, yeasty, or foul might have an underlying health problem that needs to be looked into. 

Aside from being a potential health problem, a smelly dog isn’t the nicest to be around. That’s why we’ve asked Dr. Elizabeth Racine, an expert vet, to explain the most common reasons for this and what you can do about it. Here’s her advice:

Elizabeth Racine
Dr. Elizabeth Racine, DVM

Dr. Elizabeth Racine is a small animal general practice veterinarian covering all things pet health and wellness.  Her special interests include veterinary behavior, nutrition, and internal medicine.  As a freelance writer, Dr. Racine has written content for major companies in the industry such as the American Kennel Club, Merck Animal Health, Bayer PetBasics, Elanco, and CareCredit.  In her free time, Dr. Racine enjoys playing trampoline dodgeball, hiking with her beagle Dasher, and spending time with her three mischievous cats. 

Why does my dog smell so bad?

1. Skin infections

Dermatologic conditions are the most common causes of bad odor, and they’re the number one reason why dogs are brought to the veterinary clinic. If your dog is experiencing a skin infection, you may notice symptoms like: 

  • A yeasty or musty odor
  • Scratching
  • Hair loss
  • Frequent licking
  • Rashes
  • Red, inflamed ears or skin 

Skin infections like hot spots are common in thick-coated dogs, especially in warm weather after swimming or bathing. Other dogs may be more prone to developing skin infections due to other underlying conditions such as allergies in dogs, hormone imbalances, or parasites.

If you suspect your dog may have a skin infection, it’s important to see your vet so these underlying causes can be diagnosed and appropriately addressed. In most cases, treating the infection will resolve the bad body odor. It might also be worth taking a look at some of the best dog food for allergies.

2. Ear infections

Ear infections in dogs are a common problem, especially in warm weather. Ear infections can be quite the nuisance.  Some dogs, like the Basset Hound, may be more prone to them due to their big floppy ears which hold in moisture.  Other dogs may pick up excess moisture from swimming or bathing, and still others may develop chronic ear infections secondary to allergies. 

Ear infections are often easy to spot – look for signs such as shaking the head, scratching the ears, dark wax or moist discharge, and a bad odor. Untreated ear infections are painful and can cause permanent damage to the ear, so it’s important to seek professional help when you notice these symptoms. If your dog swims or gets baths frequently, ask your vet for a good maintenance cleaner to help prevent infections caused by residual water in the ears.

Dog having its ears checked at the vets

(Image credit: Getty Images/Crispin la valiente)

3. Anal gland problems

If your dog has ever been diagnosed with anal gland issue, then you’re probably all too familiar with this characteristic foul smell. The anal glands are a pair of small sacs located just inside the anus at the 4 o’clock and 8 o’clock positions. 

When your dog defecates, these sacs naturally secrete a fluid with a characteristic fishy smell.  Sometimes this fluid may also be released if your pup gets stressed or frightened – a smell many pet owners have unfortunately experienced at home!  If the openings to the anal sacs become blocked, the fluid can’t be released and the sacs may begin to swell and become uncomfortable or even infected.

 Signs that your dog has an anal gland problem include a fishy smell, frequent licking of the anus, scooting or rubbing the area on the ground, and discharge from the anus. The anal glands can even rupture if left untreated, leaving a smelly mess in their wake.  

If you notice these symptoms in your dog, it’s best to see your vet to have this malodorous problem addressed. Some dogs may need to have their anal glands expressed manually on a regular basis in order to prevent foul odors and discomfort.

4. Digestive disorders

Many digestive disorders can lead to a host of smelly symptoms. Symptoms like bad breath, vomiting, flatulence, and diarrhea can all be caused by an underlying digestive problem and will undoubtedly make your pup smell bad. Some conditions, like a simple upset stomach, may resolve on their own or may be fixed by changing your dog’s diet, for instance choosing dog treats for sensitive stomachs

But other digestive problems – like food allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, parasites, or gastroesophageal reflux – are more serious and may require medical intervention. If your dog’s symptoms don’t resolve within 24-48 hours, it’s best to see your vet for an examination to assess the problem. 

5. Dental disease

Dental disease is unfortunately very common in pets and some sources estimate that over 80% of dogs over the age of three are affected. One of the first symptoms of dental disease pet owners notice at home is stinky dog breath!  

Unfortunately, that rotten breath often does not appear until the dental disease is quite severe. Other signs of significant dental disease can include pawing at the mouth, drooling, difficulty eating hard foods, inflamed gums, and a preference for chewing only on one side of the mouth. However, many pets with dental disease never show any symptoms, which is why it’s so important to see your vet for regular wellness examinations. 

Once dental disease develops, the only way to address it is to put your pet under anesthesia for a professional dental cleaning. If the dental disease is severe, your pet may also need to have some teeth removed. These treatments will typically resolve your pet’s bad breath and make your pet feel much more comfortable. 

You can prevent dental disease at home by learning how to brush a dog’s teeth with a pet-specific toothpaste every day. If your dog won’t tolerate brushing, ask your vet about other dental care products like water additives, dental chews, and special dental diets.

Dog getting its teeth checked at the vet

(Image credit: Getty Images/Monty Rakusen)

What to do if your dog smells

If your dog smells, you may be tempted to try home remedies and over the counter treatments first to see if this resolves the issue.  However, it is recommended that you avoid these types of treatments for your dog’s health and safety.  Many over the counter treatments and home remedies are not safe for your dog and may make the condition even worse. 

 Similarly, avoid bathing your dog with human shampoos or bath products.  These products are not balanced for a dog’s skin pH and can cause dryness, itching, flaking, and possibly worsening of the odor.  Although it can be tough to wait it out with a stinky dog, seeing your vet first is the best thing you can do.  Never give your dog any home remedies, over the counter treatments, supplements, or products intended for humans without first consulting your vet for advice.

If you notice a new or unpleasant odor on your dog, the first thing you should do is make an appointment with your vet.  Your vet will perform a full head to tail physical examination on your dog, and may recommend some diagnostic testing such as taking some skin samples, running blood work, or taking radiographs (x-rays) if needed.  

Once the underlying cause of your dog’s bad odor has been diagnosed, your veterinarian will be able to prescribe appropriate treatment to help get your dog back on track.  Be sure to follow your vet’s instructions closely and return to the clinic for any recheck or follow up examinations your vet recommends. 

In most cases, with treatment your dog’s odor should improve or even resolve, so you can get back to snuggling with your dog – without the foul smells!

Bad odor is nothing to sniff at!

Although there are lots of jokes about dogs being smelly, any odor that can’t be fixed with a good bath is a potential cause for concern. Many medical conditions can cause a foul odor, and some of them can be serious for your pet. Any change in your pet’s smell should be discussed with your vet. Fortunately, in many cases the bad odor will resolve once the underlying problem is addressed. Hopefully your pup will smell fresh again in no time!

If you’ve got other questions about your pooch, you might be interested in these features: Why does my dog stare at me? and Why does my dog pee on my bed?

Earthbath Oatmeal and Aloe Natural Pet Shampoo in Vanilla and Almond

Earthbath Oatmeal and Aloe Natural Pet Shampoo in Vanilla and Almond

We didn’t crown this as the ‘best overall dog shampoo’ for no reason. This product lathers well on all coats and is a good choice for itchy, dry skin. Plus, it smells incredible.

Elizabeth Racine, DVM

Dr. Elizabeth Racine is a small animal general practice vet covering all things pet health and wellness.  Her special interests include veterinary behavior, nutrition, and internal medicine.  As a freelance writer, Dr. Racine has written content for major companies in the industry such as the American Kennel Club, Merck Animal Health, Bayer PetBasics, Elanco, and CareCredit.  In her free time, Dr. Racine enjoys playing trampoline dodgeball, hiking with her beagle Dasher, and spending time with her three mischievous cats.