Dog fails obstacle course and the Internet can't stop watching

dog fails obstacle course video
(Image credit: Twitter / @fred035schultz)

Here's one canine that's not quite ready for Crufts. Prepare to laugh as one adorable dog fails at an obstacle course.

Posted by Twitter user Fred Schultz, who often loves to share funny videos to his followers, the clip has over 3 million views and follows a dog and his owner who are seen navigating their way through colored obstacle poles ready to claim victory at the end. 

Whilst they're not exactly whipping through the course itself, the dynamic duo are at least making it to the finish line. Only, the video doesn't quite end as you'd expect.

Instead of jumping their way to a triumphant finish (as you'd expect any Crufts champion to achieve with style and grace), the hapless hound instead falls, flopping across the low bar in true defeat.  

If you thought this was simply a fluke and he'd try again within a matter of moments, you'd be wrong as the dog simply continues to lie on the post even as the camera rolls revealing what lack of heart this pooch truly has.

"Not all dogs are athletic," the caption reads, prompting many Twitter users to feel empathy for the dog's fitness attempts.

"Not much different to how I'd tackle this assault course, tbf", wrote Matthew Abbott, while user @DrCrazyThoughts compared the pooch's effort to that of a Monday morning for humans.

Most users simply enjoyed a laugh at the hound's expense, though a few dog owners were on hand to provide a spot of training commentary and advice. 

"Used the lead to guide the dog through the slalom, did not use it to encourage an upwards movement over the jump," commented @tortiegertie on the owner's performance.

"You have to literally set the bar lower," suggested @jakegotbaked. "If you're training a dog to do something new, make it easier to start off."

We can only hope that the owner takes some of the Internet's advice to heart next time. Who knows, perhaps we may have just spotted the future champions of the next big dog show! 

Ashleigh Gibbs
Digital Editor

Ashleigh is Digital Editor on PetsRadar. With over 8 years of experience in print and digital media, she has acted as an editorial lead on a variety of projects, with animal themes a keen interest. As an avid animal lover, you can often find Ashleigh checking out the newest trends in animal care or looking at cute cat videos on TikTok.