Sweet Rottweiler's reluctance to perform handshake causes much hilarity on Instagram

rottweiler refuses to give handshake
(Image credit: Instagram / @pandarosee)

As pet owners there's nothing we like more than showing off the tricks we've taught our furry companions. But spare a thought for the animals in question – sometimes they just want to rest and not have to perform for your every whim.

Take Harley the Rottweiler for instance, who was captured in a hilarious video as she is asked to give out a handshake. When her owner's hand is extended towards her this sassy dog seems to take in the situation by turning away with an eye roll before reluctantly proffering her paw. 

Even once the trick has been carried out, Harley's face seems to keep up a look of bored detachment as if she is still showing disdain for having to carry out her owner's wishes.

It's a reaction we can all recognize as it seems so human-like. "Really?", the adopted dog seems to say, "Are we doing this again?"

The expression on her face is endlessly cute and it's one that has captured the hearts of a horde of fans.

Since being posted on Instagram by owner @pandarosee and then picked up by the @dogsofinstagram it has garnered over 30,000 likes and 295 appreciative comments in just 2 days. 

Dogs of Instagram explained the reason they featured Harley in the description: "It’s the eye roll for us". 

The viewers loved seeing this sweet dog's disdain, and peppered the post with comments about how the video had made their day:

 @myisland_heelers said "That attitude:" If I must"" while @justplaincrazyjannie commented, 'He's like, "What, again? Human you are so easily amused." 

 A lot of viewers related completed to Harley and shared the post to people who would recognize the dog's reaction to their own. 

@cindaa_xotagged a friend to show the similarity between her and Harley: "😂😂 me when I have an attitude". And @haleyf90 tagged her friend to say, "you when I need more attention 😂".

Of course, Harley is really a happy dog and shares her life with other adopted dogs, as can be seen from her sweet shenanigans over on her TikTok account

Although, Harley's owner does describe her as cranky, so maybe this sassy attitude is the default setting for this hilarious hound!

Jamie Middleton

Jamie Middleton is a freelance editor and writer who has been editing and creating content for magazines and websites for over 20 years. As well as writing about the pets he loves, he has helped create websites about tech and innovation like TechRadar.com, Innovate UK and TechSPARK, written programmes for music festivals, books on inventions and architecture, TV listings magazines, and edited publications about cars such as Lexus, Toyota and Jaguar. In his spare time he writes fiction books and poetry - or at least he does when he is permitted to by his cat Pirate, who enjoys the warmth of laptops too much to allow being creative to get in the way.