Disney-loving dog meets her idol Pluto for the first time and her reaction is too adorable

disney-loving dog meets Pluto
(Image credit: Instagram / @whiskeytoller)

Sometimes, dreams really do come true. For any Disney-loving dog, getting to watch their favorite movie is a treat but one extra special pooch got to go one step further by meeting her idol at Disney World itself. 

Whiskey Toller is a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever who often works alongside her handler Amber Aquart, a certified animal trainer, performing special tricks, taking part in sports, and appearing on TV and social media. She also happens to be a service dog in training - that's one very busy pooch!

In-between starring in television commercials and sports events, Whiskey Toller unsurprisingly needs a spot of a downtime to enjoy her own hobbies. In particular, the sweet Retriever is frequently seen with her beloved Pluto the dog plush toy, and sometimes even goes on trips with Aquart to Disney World.

In fact, the lucky pooch got to meet the most famous Disney character of all time in a meet and greet event hosted at the park: Mickey Mouse.  

"Whiskey was SO excited to meet Mickey. She wanted to cuddle and kiss him but was able to restrain her excitement and show him her Pluto toy and bandana," Aquart said. 

Yet, whilst the pup was understandably more than a little excited to see Mickey Mouse in the flesh, there was only one star Whiskey was desperate to see.

"She hopes to see Pluto one day, and hopefully by that day, she can cuddle and kiss him all over!"

Whiskey's dream was to meet the real Pluto but the duo could never find him. Instead, the pooch made do with having photos of her taken next to toys of the famous Disney dog. 

After three tries, Whiskey and Amber were afraid that she would never get to meet her idol. Finally, however, luck was on their side.

On the last day, the duo found Pluto in the flesh. At first, Whiskey couldn't quite believe it, and can be seen looking back in forth at disbelief to Aquart.

However, the pup was soon embracing her opportunity to show her idol her favorite toy of him before proudly having her picture taken next to the famous star. Dream realized!

Fancy taking your pooch to the most magical place on earth? While only service animals are permitted in theme parks and areas such as restaurants, pools and recreational spaces at the current time, Disney World does have a range of pet-friendly hotels as part of an ongoing pilot program.

Ashleigh Gibbs
Digital Editor

Ashleigh is Digital Editor on PetsRadar. With over 8 years of experience in print and digital media, she has acted as an editorial lead on a variety of projects, with animal themes a keen interest. As an avid animal lover, you can often find Ashleigh checking out the newest trends in animal care or looking at cute cat videos on TikTok.