How much does a Pomeranian cost?

Pomeranian dog sitting on a rock
(Image credit: Getty Images)

The question ‘how much does a Pomeranian cost?’ is one that’s well worth considering before you decide to welcome one of these adorable fluff balls into your home. 

While the inquisitive and lively Pomeranian is certainly not the most expensive dog breed to adopt, there are still going to be ongoing costs throughout your canine companion's life that bear taking into consideration.

If you’ve been on the lookout for a playful and vivacious family member who’s also incredibly cute and flexible enough to fit into any living environment, then the lovable and intelligent Pom is a serious contender. 

The Pom may be small, but they have bags of personality and huge hearts that are overflowing with love and courage - perhaps too much of the latter at times as they’ll often bravely square off against other dogs many times their size!

Adoption costs for Pom’s are lower than some other breeds, but you’ll still need to ensure you have adequate financial resources to meet their food, training and socialization, and medical needs across their lifespan, which tends to be around 12 - 16 years.

Below, we give you a detailed breakdown of how much you can expect to pay in each of these important categories so that you can figure out whether this perky little pup is the right fit for you and your family. 

How much does a Pomeranian cost: Price for puppies

Prices for Pomeranian puppies can vary greatly, with some costing as much as $6,000 if they’re from a sought-after breeder or if they’re the rarer black Pom. In general though, expect to pay somewhere in the region of $800 to $2,000 if you choose to get your Pom from a breeder.

The reason that getting your Pom puppy from a breeder is likely to cost that much is because it’s highly probable that their parents would have been health tested to rule out any medical conditions and the puppies themselves will likely be taken to the vet prior to adoption to receive their first round of vaccinations.

Many breeders will often do a great deal of socialization work with their puppies before adopting them out, which means they’ll be more adaptable to their new environment and are less likely to display behavioral issues. So, while it may feel like a big outlay, just remember that you’re also paying for peace of mind.

How much does a Pomeranian cost: Food and supplies

Pomeranian outside on the grass

(Image credit: Getty Images)

Okay, so now that you have a sense of how much your Pomeranian puppy is going to cost you to adopt, let’s take a look at ongoing expenses when it comes to food and supplies. While Pomeranians are far smaller than many other breeds, they still require many of the same essential items:

Swipe to scroll horizontally
Item Average cost
Food and water bowl $15
ID tag$10
Dog bed$35
Dog crate$50
Nail clippers$10

Of course, the above prices are averages and you’ll easily be able to find special deals that allow you to save money. You might also want to spend more if your budget allows for it. For example, instead of investing in one of the best dog beds, you might decide to opt for one of the best luxury dog beds instead.

If you decide to shop with the above prices in mind, you can expect your first-year costs to be around the $350 mark when it comes to supplies. This includes items not mentioned on the above list, such as poop bags and puppy training pads.

When it comes to the best puppy food, you won’t be spending much as these little guys only grow to be around 5 lb and they don’t tend to eat a lot, consuming just 50 lbs of dry food per year. That puts your annual food costs somewhere between $50 and $90 depending on which brand you decide to go with. The best puppy treats (an important tool for training and socialization) will cost you more, so expect to pay around $150 a year for these.

How much does a Pomeranian cost: Training and socialization

Now, when it comes to professional training and socialization, you’re in luck - while the Pom definitely needs both of these things, their high levels of intelligence mean most owners will feel comfortable doing most of the training themselves. 

These little dogs are super responsive as long as you’re using the right training methods - think plenty of games and lots of positive reinforcement in the form of affection and praise. If you tick those boxes consistently, you’re unlikely to have any need for a professional trainer.

Still, if you do find you have a particularly stubborn Pom on your hands or you’re unsure of how to handle their tendency to square off against bigger dogs, a few professional training sessions can help support and reinforce your own regime.

If you do decide to go down this route, you can expect to pay around $150 to $200 for five, one-hour training sessions that will teach your Pomeranian everything they need to know - including making sure they don’t jump up on others or bark incessantly.

How much does a Pomeranian cost: Medical expenses

Pomeranian standing outside on the grass

(Image credit: Getty Images)

As you’ve probably already guessed, medical expenses tend to be the biggest cost when it comes to owning a dog and the Pom is no exception. The first year is usually the most expensive as you’ll be needing to make three visits to the vet to cover exams, essential vaccinations and heartworm and flea prevention.

When it comes to the cost of these visits, it will depend on what’s being done and which vet you go to, but you can expect to pay in the vicinity of $65 and $170 per visit. Additional vaccines may be recommended if you have a particularly active lifestyle and plan to have your dog accompany you on lots of outdoor adventures and these could cost an extra $200. 

Alongside exams, vaccinations and flea prevention, there’s also the issue of whether you want to have your dog spayed or neutered. Our guide on neutering your pet can help you make the decision that’s right for you, but if you do opt to have this procedure done, expect to pay between $100 and $300. 

Like all breeds, the Pom is prone to certain diseases and medical issues which can prove costly. Here’s a roundup of the most common issues and an estimate of how much treatment for each one tends to cost:

Swipe to scroll horizontally
ConditionAverage cost of treatment
Hypothyroidism$350 - $800
Patellar Luxation$300 - $2,000
Collapsing Trachea$250 - $4,500
Dental Disease$400 - $800
Mitral Valve Disease of the Heart$300 - $800

When it comes to preventative care, you’ll need to budget for around $600 a year. This includes the ongoing monthly costs associated with the best flea treatments for dogs as well as annual exams, vaccinations and heartworm prevention. 

If you’re on a fairly tight budget each month and are worried about how you’re going to meet all the ongoing and potential costs related to your pup's care that may arise, we recommend considering investing in the best pet insurance. While these policies don’t cover everything, they can be of great help in assisting you to meet the costs of accidents and any unexpected medical issues that might crop up. 

How much does a Pomeranian cost: Grooming

The final area we’re going to look at is grooming because, let’s face it, Poms are serious fluff balls! Regular grooming sessions are essential for this breed to help keep their coat looking its best and you have two options - hiring a professional or doing it yourself.

If you’re new to grooming and aren’t yet feeling confident or you just don’t have a lot of extra time on your hands, opting for a professional might be the best way to go. Each session will cost around $50 to $65 and you’ll be looking at between three to eight visits each year.

To save yourself some money, you can purchase one of the best dog grooming kits instead and take care of your dog's coat and nails at home instead. You can pick up some really affordable kits for as little as $30 or go for the works and make a one-time payment of around $250. 

Total cost of owning a Pomeranian

Being a small dog, Pomeranians do cost less than their bigger brothers and sisters, but given that they can live for up to 16 years, you’re going to be looking at an average cost of around $17,000 to take care of your Pom for the duration of its life.

While this may seem like a lot, when you factor in this dog’s wonderfully joyful and lively personality, many pet parents feel it’s a small price to pay for the companionship that this little pocket rocket provides them with. If you’re looking for your days to be filled with laughter, this is definitely the pup for you. 

Kathryn Williams
Freelance writer

Kathryn is a freelance writer who has been a member of the PetsRadar family since it launched in 2020. Highly experienced in her field, she's driven by a desire to provide pet parents with accurate, timely, and informative content that enables them to provide their fur friends with everything they need to thrive. Kathryn works closely with vets and trainers to ensure all articles offer the most up-to-date information across a range of pet-related fields, from insights into health and behavior issues to tips on products and training. When she’s not busy crafting the perfect sentence for her features, buying guides and news pieces, she can be found hanging out with her family (which includes one super sassy cat), drinking copious amounts of Jasmine tea and reading all the books.