Olive and Mabel return in heartwarming New Year message

Olive and Mabel
(Image credit: @MrAndrewCotter)

If you've heard of Olive and Mabel – and that's a very small 'if', considering their star status on the internet – then you'll love this latest offering from them. 

These two labradors have become internet sensations thanks to the videos put together by their owner, Andrew Cotter. A soccer commentator by day, he has put his skills to the best possible use: by filming Olive and Mabel in a variety of situations, lending his critical commentary to their daily activities.

A vital lockdown staple for many, to say they’ve become popular is an understatement as their most popular video currently has 2.6 million views and counting.

As 2020 drew to a close, Andrew marked this in signature fashion: by showing the two concentrating hard on a game of monopoly, while reminiscing about the year gone by, and looking ahead to what 2021 will bring.

“Worst year you can remember? Well you can’t remember last week” Andrew tells Mabel. Harsh, but probably fair.

Olive seems far more positive about the year gone by, however. “You’ve loved it, having everyone at home all the time,” Andrew points out.

Mabel’s 2021 looks like a dreamy place indeed: one of mountainside walks, beach swims, and general fun. Andrew may describe it like, “As if Black Beauty suffered enormous budget cuts”, but to us it all seems very wonderful.

Olive, on the other hand, has something far less ambitious in mind: in her happy place, she’s simply tucking into a bowl of food with joyful abandon. It’s all about the little things in life, right?

Having tied at monopoly and chess, we sadly don’t get to see them take part in the tiebreaker round: a game of Twister.

Whatever 2021 does decide to bring, we hope that one consistent feature will be more of Olive and Mabel’s brilliant videos. They’ve been a highlight of our year, and we’re sure they will be the same for many other people. 

Steve Wright

Steve writes and proofreads buying guides, news stories and advice for Pets Radar, drawing on his lifelong experience as a pet owner. Currently sharing his house with two cats and a dog, he draws on the many highs and occasional lows of pet ownership he has borne witness to in his writing. He has worked in publishing for 15 years as an editor, sub editor and writer on a range of titles, such as SciFiNow, How It Works, All About History, Real Crime and Horrorville. You can follow him on Twitter @stevewright22