If I had the chance to be a dog for a day, here’s what I’d do first
Being a dog for a day would be an amazing opportunity and these things would be at the top of my to-do list.

Things I'd do if I were a dog for the day? I'm glad you asked. Do you know what I love about dogs? They couldn't care less about what other people think of them. They're not worried whether their fur looks okay before they leave the house or if other dogs think they're weird for trying to chase a squirrel up a tree. They simply follow their intuition, do what feels good, and live moment to moment.
We could learn a whole lot from our canine companions. They have such simple needs – give them some attention and affection, reward them with one of the best dog treats when they get something right, ensure their food bowl is regularly replenished, and create a comfortable space for them to sleep. Tick all those boxes and you'll have a very happy dog on your hands.
While I'm very content as a human and have no aspirations to live my life as a dog full-time, I think I'd quite like to spend 24 hours as one. After all, it looks like a lot of fun. Watching dogs frolicking about in the green space behind my house got me thinking about exactly how I'd spend those precious hours. Here's what I came up with...
32 things I'd do if I were a dog for a day
1. Wake up with a big stretch
Our canine companions are definitely onto something when it comes to stretching – for starters, it's a great way to ward off stiffness and stay flexible. The older I get, the creakier I seem to become so I'll be starting my day as a dog with a big old stretch session. Oh, and if you happen to have a fur friend in your family, stretching together is one of our favorite ways to workout with your pet.
2. Excitedly greet my human
When it comes to ways your dog shows they love you, the excited greeting is at the top of the list. Whether their human has been gone for hours or simply disappeared into another room for a moment, a dog will always greet them as if they've not seen them in years. So, it goes without saying that the first thing I'll be doing when I wake up is bounding on over to my favorite person and letting them know just how much they mean to me.
3. Enjoy a hearty breakfast
You know those people out there who simply forget to eat? I'm not one of them. In fact, with the exception of the odd occasion when I've been really unwell, I've never missed a meal. I love food and I'm pretty sure that won't change when I'm a dog, so expect to find me heartily chowing down on a big bowl of the best dog food as soon as my paws hit the floor.
4. Embark on a leisurely walk
I'm not one for strenuous activity, which means I don't plan on spending my day as a Siberian Husky or a German Shepherd. But I do love gentle exercise, particularly walking, so I have all my fingers and toes crossed that I get to be a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. That would suit me nicely. A leisurely walk with my human, perhaps with a game of hide-and-seek or some sniffing thrown in (it's good to keep dog walks fun and interesting after all), sounds like my idea of doggy heaven.
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5. Chase some birds
A high prey drive in dogs tends to be behind their love of chasing anything that moves and while I definitely don't want to actually catch a bird (I'm a huge animal lover) getting to zoom around after them with the wind in my fur sounds like a great way to de-stress and unwind.
6. Sniff everything I can
I'm hoping my owner takes me on a sniffari when we're out and about as sniffing is such a great way to exercise a dog's body and mind, plus it's super calming, too. I love being out in nature so if I were a dog, you can bet I'd be spending lots of time stopping to smell the roses.
7. Roll around in the grass
I'm imagining that my day as a dog will fall during the summertime, so I can't think of anything better than rolling around in freshly cut grass. Just thinking of the smell alone is getting me excited!
8. Run along the beach
I grew up surrounded by the ocean, so staring out at the water is one of my happy places. There's something so calming about watching the waves hit the shore and it's especially magical if you have the sun on your face. If I ever get to be a dog for a day, you're sure to find me bounding along the sand breathing in that salty air, especially if it's one of the best beaches for dogs in the US.
9. Make some new human friends
Because I'm an introvert in real life, perhaps I'll get to spend 24 hours as one of the best dogs for extroverts. It would be kind of nice to find socializing energizing rather than exhausting and who knows, maybe I'll make some fantastic new friends along the way!
10. Play a game of fetch
As I write this, there's a group of dog owners playing fetch with their pups in the green space behind our house – and boy oh boy do they look like they're having fun (the dogs that is, the humans look like they'd prefer to be curled up indoors with a cup of coffee!). I'm not sure how good I'll be at fetch, but I'm willing to give it a go. After all, have you truly lived as a dog if you've not tried it?
11. Say hi to other dogs
Any doggy outing would not be complete without saying a hearty hello to all my other furry four-legged friends out there. I'm not keen on sniffing butts though, so I expect I'll attempt a nose kiss instead!
12. Chase my tail
Why do dogs chase their tails? While it can sometimes be down to things like boredom, illness, or irritation in adult dogs, it tends to be a sign of play in puppies. They always look so full of joy when they run around and around in circles trying to catch something that's already attached to them – so in the spirit of all things whimsical, I'll absolutely be giving tail chasing a go.
13. Do some zoomies
When it comes to funny things dogs do, zoomies are at the top of the list. While dogs can get these bursts of energy at any time, zoomies are particularly common after mealtimes, before bed, and when their favorite human gets home. I'm sure I'll have some energy in need of being released at some stage or another during my day as a dog and engaging in some zoomies sure looks like a fun way to burn it all off.
14. See if my puppy-dog eyes can win me some treats
If you have a dog, you don't need me to tell you how well they can turn on the charm when there's the possibility of food involved! I'll be practicing my puppy dog eyes when I'm a canine for the day and seeing if I have any success at scoring myself a few of the best dog treats.
15. Take a nap
There are few things I love more in this life than a good nap, so you could say that I'm already pretty well-practiced when it comes to this doggy habit. Still, what I love about dogs is that they feel zero guilt for resting and being still, so I plan on taking as many naps as I can if I ever get the chance to be a dog for a day.
16. Chase the neighbors cat
Because dogs are pack animals, play and rough housing is something they get a lot of enjoyment out of – and cats often find themselves on the other end of their game. Some breeds also have a high prey drive and have the urge to chase small and fast-moving animals.
I adore cats, so I definitely don't want to hurt any during my day as a dog, but the tuxedo cat that lives down the street from us has been doing its business in our flower beds, so chasing him might be a good opportunity to seek my revenge!
17. Chew my human's slippers
Whether it's stress, boredom, attention-seeking, or teething, dogs love to chew, so it makes sense that I'd steal away with my human's slippers and sink my teeth into them. Cue guilty face!
18. Play with my favorite toy
My day as a dog would not be complete without a good play session with one of the best dog toys. And because I love giving my brain a workout, I'm hoping my owner will have a puzzle toy or two on hand for me to solve.
19. Bark at delivery people
Dog won't stop barking? You're not alone. Whether they're excited, bored, or territorial, dogs will often utilize their bark to communicate how they're feeling. Given that I'm a naturally enthusiastic person, I have a feeling I'll spend a good amount of my doggy day barking to communicate to my human (and everyone else) just how happy I am.
20. Counter surf
Let's hope my human doesn't leave any butter, bread, or cheese lying on the counter that they don't want to have magically vanish because I can guarantee that if they do, all three of those things will wind up in my tummy.
21. Roll in mud
As long as there's a hot bath waiting for me at the end of it all (notice I said hot bath, I do not want to be hosed down outside with cold water!), I'll quite happily frolic about in the mud. Besides, I hear it's great for your pores, so it'll be like having a mini-facial at the same time.
22. Shake water everywhere after my bath
I know some pups hate being bathed, but I sort of like the idea of getting lathered up with the best dog shampoo and emerging from the tub smelling all sweet and fresh. Once I've been pampered, I'll be sure to shake myself dry before leaving the bathroom – being sure to send some of that water flying in my human's direction because I have a feeling they'll enjoy that.
23. Enjoy a belly rub
You can bet I'll be wearing my goofiest doggy smile for this one. After all, who doesn't want to have their belly rubbed while being told they're a good girl? Who knows, maybe my human will even throw in a little ear scratch, too.
24. Curl up with my human on the couch
When it comes to improving your relationship with your dog, nothing beats curling up together. Couch cuddles are the best, so I'll be making sure me and my human get to relax and spend some quality time just the two of us.
25. Turn round and round in circles before I lie down
It may be the best dog bed in the world, but before I settle down for a nap, I'll need to turn round and round to ensure I get myself into the comfiest sleeping position possible.
26. Chew on a bone
I feel like spending a day as a dog wouldn't be complete without a bone to chew on. Not only will it taste delicious but it'll keep me occupied and out of mischief, too.
27. Drink from the toilet
Yes, the thought of this one does gross me out a bit, but given it's something that dogs seem to love to do, I'm willing to give it a go. Let's just hope my human has given it a good clean beforehand.
28. Lick the plates in the dishwasher
Who needs a dishwasher when you have a canine companion? When it comes to daily thoughts of a dog owner, that one is super relatable – and it's true. There are few things a dog loves more than licking food scraps off a plate, so I'll be sure to check out the dishwasher to see if there are any tasty tidbits to be had.
29. Forget about table manners
Being a human comes with so many rules. Sit up straight, don't speak with your mouth full of food, chew quietly, don't make a mess – and those are just the food-related ones! The great thing is that for 24 hours, I won't have to worry about those. Instead, I can chow down with carefree abandon and enjoy every bite.
30. Hang my head out the car window
Just the sound of my human picking up their car keys will be enough to have me bounding excitedly towards the door. I'm hoping for a balmy day so I can hang my head out the window and feel the sun on my face and the wind in my fur.
31. Hide my humans belongings
As well as giving my own brain a good workout, I plan on getting my human to do some mental exercise, too – and what better way to leave them scratching their head than to hide some of their favorite belongings or essential items? I'm not quite sure what I'll choose just yet, it's a toss-up between their house keys and their shoes. Either way, they're bound to have a blast trying to find where I've put them.
32. Dig a hole
Trying to figure out how to stop a dog digging is often a top priority for pet parents, after all, it can be more than a little frustrating when they're doing it in your backyard. I'll try to steer clear of that because I don't want to upset my human, but digging when I'm in the park or at the beach is definitely on the agenda because it'll be a great way for me to explore my surroundings.
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Kathryn is a freelance writer who has been a member of the PetsRadar family since it launched in 2020. Highly experienced in her field, she's driven by a desire to provide pet parents with accurate, timely, and informative content that enables them to provide their fur friends with everything they need to thrive. Kathryn works closely with vets and trainers to ensure all articles offer the most up-to-date information across a range of pet-related fields, from insights into health and behavior issues to tips on products and training. When she’s not busy crafting the perfect sentence for her features, buying guides and news pieces, she can be found hanging out with her family (which includes one super sassy cat), drinking copious amounts of Jasmine tea and reading all the books.